Welcome to the TAWABIKA blog, your source of inspiration for enhancing your interior. Decor trends, maintenance tips, and design ideas – we share everything you need to know to choose the perfect rug and create a warm and elegant space.
In 2025,outdoor rugs are the essential element for enhancing your outdoor spaces. Combining durability, style and eco-responsibility, these weather-resistant rugs transform terraces, balconies and gardens into real extensions of your interior. Discover our complete guide to outdoor carpet trends 2025 and find the ideal model to enhance your outdoor space.
Change of decoration, moving house, building work or other imperatives... These are just some of the reasons why you may need to store a rug temporarily. Before considering storage, it's imperative to take precautions to preserve their good looks and quality over time.
Choosing the right size and position for your carpet is crucial to ensuring comfort and a final result that lives up to your expectations. Size is determined before you buy the carpet and takes into account several key factors, such as the room for which it is intended.